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Lomond Classical Riding Centre

Alex Gaché, owner of Lomond Classical Riding Centre, aims to provide a calm and relaxing environment in which she trains both horses and riders.


People are taught to ride in a light, soft and kind way, according to the Classical principles. The aim of the centre is to teach people about “feel” and to help them develop their awareness of how their bodies affect what happens to the horse, both in their riding and on the ground.


Alex strongly believes that the horse is the real teacher, and she is merely there to facilitate the communication between horse and rider/handler.


She also believes that all horses, if ridden and handled correctly, can be light and responsive to the aids in the same way as her amazing Iberian schoolmasters. She wants people who come to Lomond Classical Riding Centre to experience this for themselves.


Horsehill, Horley, Surrey, RH6 0HN
07808 400847

Horley RH6 0HN, UK

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