Ribby Hall Equestrian Centre
Ribby Hall Equestrian Centre is a friendly and professional team with a wealth of experience in developing the skills of both the enthusiastic novice and capable rider. The centre is enriched by people of all ages and abilities with a common interest – enjoyment of horses and riding.
Located within the award winning luxury holiday village of Ribby Hall in Wrea Green, the Equestrian Centre has outstanding facilities: a 20 x 40 metre indoor school; a large outdoor floodlit menage; extensive off road hacking. There is a wide selection of horses and ponies, and so are able to cater for a broad range of individual riding needs. Staff possess qualifications ranging from BHS to NVQ.
Ribby Hall Equestrian Centre is approved by the ABRS (Association of British Riding Schools) and can facilitate training through the ABRS Progressive Rider Tests. This provides a structured programme of realistic stepping-stones towards achievement of equestrian goals.
Ribby Hall offers lessons on a private, semi – private or group basis as well as Tuition for clients with physical and learning disabilities. Birthday parties, Gymkhanas and Gift vouchers are also available. Plus the centre offers working and holiday livery services.